Updated List of Teacher 1 Salary Grade 2024-2025

Updated List of Teacher 1 Salary Grade 2024-2025

If you are searching for the updated salary grading system for public school teachers working in the Philippines school system. This is the right place, Opportunity den provides a comprehensive guide on the up to date salary grades.

Public Teacher 1 Salary Grade

Teacher 1 is under the Salary grade 11 and their earnings are less than that of Teacher 11 and Teacher 111.

Teachers who are under the Teacher 1 grade in Philippines under the salary grade of 11 are paid 28,512 as of 2024, the projection is that teachers within this grade will earn 30,024 in 2025 and vise versa.

Teacher 2 Salary Grade

For Teacher 2 who are in the salary grade of 12, they earn 30,705 in the year 2024 and the 2025 salary is projected at 32,245.

Teacher 3 Salary Grade

Additionally, Teacher 3 who are under a salary grade of 13 are paid 32,870 in  2024 and they are projected to earn 34,421 In 2025.

Below is a rundown of Teacher 1 salary grades from 2023 to 2027 in Philippine

Salary Grade last SSL in the year 2023
1st tranche in the year 2024
2nd tranche In the year 2025 3rd tranche in the year 2026 4th tranche in the year 2027
Salary Grade 11 27,000 28,512 30,024 31,705 33,387

Available Benefits and Incentives for Public Teachers:

Aside from the salary income, public teachers enjoy additional benefits and offers; among them are:


  1. There is an opportunity for one step increment in every three (3) years of work so long as the teacher shows a continuous satisfactory performance.
  2. There may be increments as a result of meritorious performance, and this performance is judged using the Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS).
  3.  There is a loyalty cash incentive opportunity that is awarded based on the total number of years to be spent in service (it starts counting from the 10th year, and it is ranged from P10,000 to P5,000 to be paid after every five years).
  4. There is also an allowance known as the Special Hardship Allowance. This offer is available for teachers who are assigned to hardship duties; this allowance also covers mobile teachers, and the multigrade teachers receive up to 15-25% of the basic salary. As of May 25, 2021, the Special Hardship Allowance specified a 25% increase in the monthly basic salary of teachers.
  5. There is a honoraria for the teaching overload subject award, and this offer is based on availability.
  6. Public teachers also enjoy privileges to take work leaves: among the leave privileges are maternity leave, paternity leave, and study leave.
  7. There is also an additional incentive/allowance to be received from LGU (and this offer is only for selected divisions).
  8. Vacation service credits are also available for public teachers, but the maximum duration is 15 days per year.
  9. For persons who are mobile teachers, they stand a chance of earning P2,000 per month to see for their transportation allowance under the Program Support Fund.
  10. For persons who are under the mobile teachers and DALCs category, an additional offer of P5,000 is given every year to cover the expenses in purchasing instructional materials.
  11. There is also the in-service training under the Program Support Fund.
  12. As for GSIS benefits, workers enjoy the services from retirement and life insurance premiums (RLIP).
  13.  As for PhilHealth benefits, workers enjoy free hospitalization and annual physical exams.
  14. Public teachers also enjoy benefits from the Employee Compensation Program (ECP).

Masters Teacher 1 Salary Grade

Master Teacher I, who are under the Salary Grade 18, earn up to 49,015 in 2024, and their salary for 2025 is projected at Php 51,304.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a teacher and a master teacher?

A teacher is someone who has demonstrated knowledge and expertise in the classroom within a little space of time which may be one year or 2 years while a Master teachers is one who have demonstrated knowledge and expertise in teaching and instructing in the classroom for not less than five (5) years.


How much is the salary of teacher 1 in the Philippines?

Teacher 1 in the Philippines  under the salary grade of 11 are paid 28,512 as of 2024, the projection is that teachers within this grade will earn 30,024 in 2025 and vise versa.

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